Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm Sorry...

Guys, I owe you all much. Sorry for not replying smses. Sorry to have you to send reminding smses for me to send down smses. I kind of just dislike handphones. Dislike using them. Dislike learning the functions of it as well... But guess all these dislikeS have to be reduced, right?!

My reflections for this week:

1. Samantha took leave to accompany SY for medical checkup on 15th April. That's too sweet of her to miss to appreciate. So can I tag along with you guys on that day to make myself, MAYBE... HOPEFULLY... a little sweeter?!

2. Melissa's determination. Both in her studies and her love for Charis. Sometimes you just have to fall for her for the fact that she has fallen for Charis! Girl, read Matthe
w 10:39?! If not your CJ7 will not revive ehh~

3. Wenjie & Chun Quan, you both bascially covered an area I kind of cannot reach to help in the youths - Their studies. You may not understand how much your time and effort showered upon us are surely treasured. When should we give you guys a good treat?!

4. Darryl, you are in a position where you can reach out to a wide range of people in the church and which you of course made the best out of it! When we sent Lin Gang off, when you volunteered your cg to Laoshi, all these amazed me of how important your enthusiasms are...

5. WL, Xinyi, Sam & Zhenni. Sorry to always make you guys have to nag at me for this and that. Thank you for allowing me to behave kidish and child-like in all your care and concerns. Surely those encouragements and teachings, discussions and debates helped me a LONG way as I serve in church.

6. YQ, I appreciate and salute you to your answering to chou-de. (Eh, I didn't reveal his name huh... Haha!) I thought you deserve that chocolate and chips, in fact, much more... From how you settled your problems. Keep a good eye
on people beside you, they may need your help very much!

7. ZS... That Muslim, no! Christian's testimony you showed me today impacted me alot. If I were to listen to it alone, for sure tears will flow. Our Lord is awesome for His love is extended to EVERYONE! The thought of Jesus actually love everyone should motivate us to love more, shouldn't it?

8. WJ & LX, I can only say one thing. Today's the most organised study week I've ever known. WELL DONE!

9. JJ and grandma gave me a bottle of cognac for my hair. Thank you for the care even to my hair! Haha... That's a warm gesture I'll learn to do it unto another the next time. Thanks!

Let's take nothing for granted. Because the walk of faith is tedious, and these good things will fade without sufficient support and encouragements...

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable ...
Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle;
the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.

~Dr Martin Luther King Jr.~

Oh... My dear dear dear friends (& of course many others unmentioned...), you are important in a very special way. Your personalised features to build the Kingdom of God. And whenever we overcome that sacrifice, suffering or struggle, great rewards await us!

Hereby CL gives her salute to everyone who are still finding their way of of sacrifice, suffering or struggle. Let me give you a big PUSH! if you need any... (Pray Until Something Happens) 91148493 is still in use btw...

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