I dug out something that was written down in my book during cg time 2 years ago~
Still remember the very first day we had cg with Al and Lq?
It was 2/8/08.. Time flies!
Well, we were break into groups to discuss and set our 期望s for the cg, for 彼此, and for our
Here it goes:
- 不要迟到
- 不要忘记 submit offerings
- 要有 manners
- 崇拜不要 zzz..
- 注意新朋友
- grow spiritually
- love each other
- 多传福音
- 彼此鼓励
- 顺服导师
- 认真(神的事工)
- 听话
- sacrifice for 朋友
- more bonding
- 少说废话~
- more sharings
- no anti-social/多讲话,少废话
- 记得灵修
- 与神亲近
- 有对象要讲
- 要合作,积极,have inniative
- sensitive, 跟导师学习,用心听
- 听多,少讲
- 有影响力
- 快点结婚!
- 要和我们 hyper~
- 敢敢 strict to us (but must be forgiving)
- share 你们的少年时候的 experience
- 更多传达神的信息
- 更多 outings, invite new friends
- 好好领导我们
- 生活的 values pass to us
Here are what our 导师s say..
- 不要自我
- sharings 要 respect
- don't take sharings as an attack to others
- 互相扶持
- support cg
- 传福音
- 不要有争执 among the cg
- 有什么事通知 (go out, not coming for bla bla.. etc..)
- before 11pm reach home
- sms/call each other 不能 over 10:30pm
- every week 读书
- 给小组最好
- lend us listening ears
- anytime we have problems sms them (before 11pm)
- 约谈
I'm sure there's more..
But that's all i have~
So have we abide to the things we set two years ago?
Now that we have really grown, more people have joined us~ which we must thank God for~
But are we just growing in numbers?
Are we growing spiritually?
Are we still serious about all those 期望s we set above?
加油 dearest 0104(:
Don't stop praying, caring for the cg~
"Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christians brothers and sisters" Galations 6:10
We are all part of God's big family(:
Love you all~
(P.S Those don't have access to this blog, please tell me!)
Love you all~
(P.S Those don't have access to this blog, please tell me!)
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